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Collect More Memories, Not More Things

In her famous poem The Summer Day, writer Mary Oliver asked, "What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" This quest...

Making Mental Health a Priority

In 1949 Mental Health America designated May as Mental Health Awareness Month, seeking to increase awareness about the importance of mental health and...

Four Keys to Building Resilience as We Age

Having resilience is critically important as we age. There are so many joys and passions to pursue in our later years, but to keep going, doing, and l...

Add to Your Legacy: Giving Back Enriches Our Lives

There are many benefits to living longer, and one of those is the extra years we get to enjoy after retirement. They can be filled with traveling, gol...

How Owning a Pet Can Lead to Longer, Healthier Lives

Owning a pet can be one of life’s greatest joys. Whether furry or feathered, on two legs or four, these animals that become part of our family h...

Incorporating Your Home Equity Into A Retirement Strategy

Incorporating home equity into a retirement strategy is a crucial consideration for retirees. Listen as Joe Peters #Coldwell Banker and Mark Richards ...

Ditch the Bucket List - Today is the Day

"We have to have to learn how to uncouple fear from uncertainty. Embrace uncertainty, feel the fear and move in. Embrace ambiguity. We wait for e...

The Only Right Time is Right Now

You may have read or heard the saying “The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it.” It’s ...

Embracing Creativity Won’t Just Change Your Home - It Will Change Your Life!

When was the last time you fueled the fires of your creative spirit? Do you feel like you’ve been stuck in a rut or a cyclical routine, or just ...
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